The coefficient in a chemical formula represents the amount of each chemical present. The amount of a substance is measured in moles.
Water, 35 liters. Carbon, 20 kilograms. Ammonia, 4 liters. Lime, 1.5 kilograms. Phosphorous, 800 grams. Salt, 250 grams. Saltpeter, 100 grams. Sulfur, 80 grams. Fluorine, seven-point-five. Iron, five. Silicon, three grams. And trace
amounts of 15 other elements.
the ingredients of the average adult,right down to the last specks of protein in your eyelashes. And even though science has given us the entire physical breakdown, there's never been a successful attempt at bringing a human to life. There's still something missing. Something scientists haven't been able to find in centuries of research. ...and in case you're wondering, all those ingredients can be bought on a child's allowance. humans can be made rather cheap. There's no magic to it.
A vapor is which state of matter?
C. Gas.
Food moves through the digestive system with a wave-like motion called peristalsis. Muscles in the walls of the hollow organs contract and relax to cause this movement, which pushes food through the esophagus into the stomach.Apr 25, 2018