muscular strength pushup pullup
OK so if you mean that it will not pollute the air then yes this is true.
S- Secondary Bronchi
P- Primary Bronchi
R- Right Lung
A- Alveoli
T- Trachea
O- Oblique Fissure
R- Ribs
Y- yellow bone marrow(? it's technically circulatory but) or yawning maybe?
Unemployment, poverty
Poverty- income inequality , nonclinical factors (education, employment, race, ethnicity, and geography) and health care payment and delivery system reforms are some of the factors that are associated with health outcomes in the U.S.
Answer: This mas has fractured his back, leg, and middle foot.
Explanation: Back, leg and middle are the "nonscience" words for cervical verebrae, and the fifth metatarsal.