Answer: check last paragraph of the Explanation.
An uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain is known as an apparent seizure. It is a very bad disorder, a patient with apparent seizure has the risk of having Emotional problems, also, when the person fall during seizure, he or she has tendency of injuring himself or herself. Though, it is not everyone that has epilepsy has seizures; but the main cause of seizures is epilepsy. It can also be caused by brain tumors, drug abuse(for instance the use of cocaine), high fever and so on.
====> Okay, so back to the question; father is sitting in a nearby chair while the child's mother suddenly begins crying uncontrollably, I WOULD tell my co-worker to pacify the mother and in order to be able to examine the 4-year-old boy, I will tell the father to hold the 4-year-old boy.
External or internal and an example is how you feel about yourself I think
It's not hard to keep yourself healthy and in shape. the two most important things to keep yourself healthy is exersice and an appropriate breakfast. It's not nesessary to run a marathon or do a deep workout. A light jog is enough to keep you health everyday. Breakfast is important to keep your mind functioning properly. Making healthy life choices is also important.
Poverty means people can become desperate and result to violence such as mugging and looting.