A. find problems that could cause a collision or breakdown
A pretrip inspection allows the driver to drive safely because he feels satisfied since he already had checked each and everything in the beginning. This increases the focus on driving. In addition to it there are less chances of happenings and technical faults in the vehicle. It also plays a vital role in the safety circumstances as well.
The answer is C but if it is wrong then the answer is B
It maybe A of couurse I play the video games even though I can tell you video games sure are not the answer.
<span>strong winds, heavy rain, and sometimes snow, sleet, hail or no precipitation at all.</span>
Best diary should continue to sell in gallons.
For sales in gallons per batch
Gross revenue per batch = 7 * 615 = 4305
Cost of gallons per batch = 0.14 * 615 = 86.1
Fixed cost of processing yogurt/batch = 870
Net profit /batch = 4305 - 86.1 - 870 = $3348.9
-Proposed sales of individual sized potions per batch
Portions /batch = 13120
Gross revenue of portions /batch =13120 * 0.4 = 5248
Cost of fruits in portions /batch = 13120 * 0.11 = 1443.2
Cost of packaging/batch = 13120 * 0.05 = 656
Fixed cost of yogurt processing/batch = 870
Net profit of portions /batch = 5248 - 1443.2 - 656 -870 = $2278.8
So therefore :
Profit difference between the two types of market sales.
= $1070.1
Gallon sales make more profit than portion sales so it is not advisable to convert to portion sale market because it would reduce net profit by $1070.1