The main difference between concentration and density is that concentration refers to how much of a substance is present in a mixture, whereas density refers to the mass of a substance per unit volume.
Answer: 4.5 moles of
can be made from complete reaction of 3.0 moles of Al.
The given reaction equation is as follows.

This shows that 2 moles of Al reacts with 6 moles of HCl. So, the amount of HCl required to react with 1 mole Al is three times the amount of HCl.
Therefore, 3 moles of Al will react with 9 moles of HCl to give 3 moles of
moles of
The reaction equation now will be as follows.

The moles
can also be written as 4.5 moles.
Thus, we can conclude that 4.5 moles of
can be made from complete reaction of 3.0 moles of Al.
Convert mole to gram by multiplying the molar mass of sodium
0.500mol Na x 22.990g = 11.495g of Na
Ionization and dissociation
Flushing goldfish down the toliet
This would help the planet because goldfish are a very evasive species that has been harming our natural enviroments lakes and rivers. Ever since people have been flushing them down the toliet including me since I've had over six they have been finding their ways into our ecosytem and damaging nature. You may think that goldfish are a cute and small pet species to keep in a fish tank but the fish can grow in the right conditons up to 16.1 inches long and can top over five pounds in the wild. Unfortunately most goldfish never thrive like this in fish tanks due to nasty inadequate housing and feeding conditions. And most do not live up to their expected life span in the wild of 15 to even thirty years due to their living conditons. Did you know, goldfish will actually jump out of their tank in a final desperate search for better living conditions and enviroment to live in to meet their physiological needs. But lets get back to the problem so don't be to quick to feel sorry for them, when people flush them down the toliet they repopulate somehow in our lakes and rivers. Even through, it is not clear how they got there, which the suspected culprit is the sewer system. They threaten the natural enviroment tho because they are obnivores and they eat a mixtures of plants and animal specimen. You are probrably thinking why is this a problem, well its because goldfish are particullary greedy eaters and will eat, eat, and feast on the natural envrioment they infestated. And the waste they leave on the enviroment will promote the growth of algae which could cause an extent of enviromental damage. Of course goldfish are not impacted by this algae growth for adaptation reasons which shield them. This is not the main problem tho the main problem of this is that female goldfish can produce up to 1000 eggs at a time. And to make things worse unlike other fish species where the parents of the eggs leave the eggs for predaetors and well the elements of nature the goldfish instead guard their nest foriciously from predaetors that eat fish eggs in which effectively shields the populations young from danger. And to just add to the chaos the goldfish sadly have no real natural predaetor in the unitedstates which just causes more problems since they have no one killing them. And did I mention that they could live up to a real possibility of thirty years. And that they are forocious eaters that could eat a variety of types of foods. All of these facts in the end lead to two things first stop flushing your pet goldfish down the toliet and secondly now you know how golfish impact our planet.
Give brainliest please it took me over thirty minutes of thinking!