The settlement in the Mississippian areas.
Native Americans had a culture in the Mississippi valley. Cahokia reached its peak between the 10th and the 14th century. Numerous settlements located near the river managed trade networks that stretched to all direction of North America. The Cahokia built large mounds for ceremonial, religious, or residential Europe for the elite members in the community. The first large scale of civilization in America was the Mississippian culture. Mounds are very much associated with the Cahokia located in Illinois. Many artifacts have found at the Cahokia mounds including stones, tools, pottery, knives, shells, and arrowheads.
Process of the chromosomes correct me if I’m wrong
One thing that Japan borrowed from China is the Chinese language. Japanese nobles women wrote in the Chinese language. They also had Confucianism introduced to them from China. Confucianism was a way of thought in China.
China influenced Japan through alphabet and i believe religion. Chinese culture had an enormous impact on the life of Japanese. In olden times, Japanese adopted the Chinese script as there were no formal Japanese writing at that time but now both the languages had developed a lot that they stand as unique. Though Japanese follow Shinto beliefs, there is even a great following of Buddhism and Confucianism even today in Japan.
Imperial form of government were practiced in both the empires and Japanese had adopted the Chinese titles, ranks and official roles of Chinese bureaucracy in Japan. Rectangular road ways were built in China and the same system of building roadways is followed in Japan. Music of Chinese specially the sound of bells, gongs and rattles were adopted in Japan due to the spread of Buddhist culture. Kimono is the style of dressing which is followed essentially in Japan even today but the fact is that this type of dressing is adopted from the Kingdom of Han Period in China.
Answer:problem-focused; emotion-focused
A problem-focused approach is when someone tackles the problem at its head instead of shying away from it they look for solutions to that problem or a way to recover from it.
Yolanda looks at this problem of losing her job as an opportunity to upgrade her resume and move forward without focusing on what has failed but more on what can be her next success.
Emotion focused one looks at the way in which they can emotionally recover after a heart breaking situation , they look for emotional support .
They look for moral support and anything that can make them forget what happend , people who can make them feel better and regain their strength.