Good are free zones bad is car pollution ext.
<h3><u>Question: </u></h3>
The equation for the speed of a satellite in a circular orbit around the Earth depends on mass. Which mass?
a. The mass of the sun
b. The mass of the satellite
c. The mass of the Earth
The equation for the speed of a satellite orbiting in a circular path around the earth depends upon the mass of Earth.
Option c
Any particular body performing circular motion has a centripetal force in picture. In this case of a satellite revolving in a circular orbit around the earth, the necessary centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force between the satellite and earth. Hence
Gravitational force between Earth and Satellite: 
Centripetal force of Satellite :
Where G = Gravitational Constant
= Mass of Earth
= Mass of satellite
R= Radius of satellite’s circular orbit
V = Speed of satellite
, we get
Speed of Satellite 
Thus the speed of satellite depends only on the mass of Earth.

Using kinematics equations:

due to condition of distance traveled.
Solving second equation for time, there are two solutions. t=0 and

Use the expression in the first equation to have

Using trigonometric identities, you have the answer of the distance.
By doing the ratio for two different angles, you have the second answer. Due to sine function properties, the distances can be the same to complementary angles. Example, for 20° and 70°, the distance is the same.