We know that:
1 mile = 1.61 km
1 gal = 3.8 L
Therefore converting the fuel efficiency rates:
highway = (28.5 km/L) * (1 mile / 1.61 km) * (3.8 L / 1
gal) = 67.27 mile / gal
<span>city = (22.0 km/L) * (1 mile / 1.61 km) * (3.8 L / 1 gal)
= 51.93 mile / gal</span>
Helium atoms compared to nitrogen atoms are moving faster and have a greater kinetic energy.
The molecular velocity of a gas at room temperature is inverse proportional to the square root of its molecular mass.
The greater the molecular mass of the gas the lesser the average speed of its molecules. Comparing the molecular masses of nitrogen and helium, helium is found to have a lower molecular mass and a corresponding greater velocity.
Hence helium moves faster than nitrogen and has a higher kinetic energy than nitrogen
Two atoms of the same element can have different numbers of protons
diff nos neutrons ... isotopes,
diff protons ... diff elements
The computation of the tension T in the rope and the forces exerted by the pin at A is shown below:
vertical forces sum = Ay + Tsin20 + T - 245 - 883 = 0
horizontal forces sum = Ax - Tcos70
Now Moment about B
-Ay × 4.8 + 245 × 2.4 + 883 × 1.8=0
Now substitute in sum of vertical forces T=502.5N
The given data is as follows.
F = 
q = 
v = 385 m/s
= 0.876
Now, we will calculate the magnitude of magnetic field as follows.
B = 
= 10.65 T
Thus, we can conclude that magnitude of the magnetic field is 10.65 T.