arr[0] = 10;
arr[1] = 10;
Given the array:
arr = {1,2,3,4,5}
To set the first two elements of array arr to 10.
Kindly note that ; index numbering if array elements starts from 0
First element of the array has an index of 0
2nd element of the array has an index of 1 and so on.
Array elements can be called one at a time using the array name followed by the index number of the array enclosed in square brackets.
arr[0] = 10 (this assigns a value of 10 to the index value, which replace 1
arr[1] = 10 (assigns a value of 10 to the 2nd value in arr, which replaces 2
Explanation: A schema is the group that contains objects of databases with views, index, triggers, tables etc features. The specific user can access schema who persist a certain username.The user is considered as the owner of the database and its element.
Schema is usually bound to have only single database.There are some schema that are already present in the system as the in-built schema .E.g.- sys, guest etc.
Variables can be useful because they hold a certain number/data value that can easily be accessed and changed. For example, in a game, a players score is a variable that changes as the player gets more points; ie coins, items, etc.