There are two choices for each child: overweight (o) or underweight (u). So if the first child is o the next can be o or u. If the first is u the second can be o or u. This gives four possibilities. Here the first child is the letter noted first and the second is the one listed second:
There are 4 outcomes and if each is equally likely then the probability of each is 1/4. Thus the probability of UU is 1/4
The probability of one underweight and one over weight is 1/2 because in two of the outcomes listed above there is one O and one U (namely OU and UO). Since there are 4 outcomes the probability is 2/4 = 1/2
i think x=-1 and y=3. ....
Answer: you like it if I could double the height of your cat food can?” 6 in. 7 in. 15 cm. 30 cm. 13 ft. 6 ft ... 3 ft. 2 ft. 4 ft. 2. 5 m. 8 m. 8 m. Areas of bases. Areas of lateral faces. Exercises 7–9. Lesson Tutorials ... WRAPPING PAPER A cube-shaped gift is.
Answer: yuh
Step-by-step explanation: