Place newborn in sniffing position and have team prepare intubation
Hand hygiene is a critical interposition which should be handled at right times in the right way to all the members of medical staff that comes in contact with the patients.
- For a patient a mundane experience of healthcare and expected outcomes is all that matters, infection prevention and control are main factors highly contributing to that.
- Respiratory hygiene is also critical in order to prevent transmission of respiratory infections in a healthcare setting.
- Improving hand and respiratory hygiene reduces healthcare time and cost by preventing infection and harm.
B- breathing
This acronym is to remind you the three vital important points of CPR
<em><u>Not sharing water bottles </u></em>
Assuming what you mean by cold sores is herpes, it will defiantly be not sharing water bottles.
Pharmaceutical medicine is the medical scientific discipline concerned
with the discovery, development, evaluation, registration, monitoring
and medical aspects of marketing of medicines for the benefit of
patients and the health of the community.