Lo que motiva a Benjamín Driscoll a plantar árboles en Marte es su deseo de permanecer en el planeta vecino y no volver a la Tierra, ya que a su cuerpo le costaba adaptarse a la falta de oxígeno.
Risks can accumulate over time through exposure to different things over life which is a normal part of life generally. People who do a lot of crazy things are people who are more prone to having different kinds of risks being brought upon them. If you're working as a construction, it's more likely with time that you will suffer from some sort of work-related accident than someone who works in an office all day long.
It's important because, you need to a valid source for a health situation. It could cause more than good if you don't know if the health source is not true.
Running because not only is it good for the muscles but it’s also good for the respiratory system and makes your heart stronger
It helps consumers afford the product