so 31.95 per student
This will cost the student body $11,182.50
Well if it pumps 4 2/5 per minute that is equal to 4 4/10 in a minute or 4.4 because you multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by two. it’s still the same fraction but it is easy to convert to a decimal now. you could use this fraction but it’s much easier to use decimals. Because the first number is a decimal you should make the second one a decimal too. To do this you need to know that 1/4 of 100 is 25. so now we have these numbers and all you do now is divide 17.25 by 4.4 which could be rounded to 4 because it’s a long decimal
x= 7
Step-by-step explanation:
1st step: Multiply the factor (outside number) with the numbers and variable(s) in the box. This results in 2(x-3) = 2x-6
2nd Step: continue the rest of the equation since there are no more brackets left so 2x-6-12=-4
3rd Step: send -12 to the other side of the equation (side changes sign changes) so it will become 2x-6=-4+12 (You are actually supposed to make the variable alone on one side of the equation so that you would be able to calculate its value)
4th step: 2x-6=8 ---> send -6 to the other side as well which will then result in 2x=14
5th step: since 2 is being multiplied by x, when you send it to the other side (to make x alone) you will divide 14 by 2 ( sign of 2 changes from multiplication to division)
Final Step: x=7
15 is 40% of 37.5
Step-by-step explanation: