Nepal moved from unitary system with a three-level federal system of government. As federalism accelerates, the national health system can also speed up its own decentralization process, reduce disparities in access, and improve health outcomes. The turn towards federalism creates several potential opportunities for the national healthcare system. This is because decision making has been devolved to the federal, provincial and local governments, and so they can make decisions that are more representative of their localised health needs. The major challenge during the transition phase is to ensure that there are uninterrupted supplies of medical commodities and services. This requires scaling up the ability of local bodies to manage drug procurement and general logistics and adequate human resource in local healthcare centres. This article documents the efforts made so far in context of health sector federalization and synthesizes the progress and challenges to date and potential ways forward. This paper is written at a time while it is critical to review the federalism initiatives and develop way forward. As Nepal progress towards the federalized health system, we propose that the challenges inherent with the transition are critically analysed and mitigated while unfolding the potential of federal health system.
Keywords: Challenges and Opportunities, Decentralization, Federalism, Health Reform, Health Sector, Nepal
With the promulgation of its constitution in 2015, Nepal replaced a unitary government with a federal system of government.1 This process has made Nepal a federal democratic republic governed with three levels of government: a federal level, seven provinces and 753 local government.2 It also led to local elections in late 2017 for the first time in two decades, a landmark achievement signalling that federalism is being implemented.2 With the ongoing restructuring of the health system delivery, this article aims to synthesize the progress and challenges to date and potential ways forward based on the perspective of the federal government. The progress of federalization in Nepal is also considered in light of the experiences of other countries that have implemented federalism, and these remarks may be pertinent to progressively guide the management of the health sector federalization.
Current Situation in Nepal
During the last few decades, Nepal Government has made significant progress towards reducing maternal, under-five and infant mortality rates. During the same period, Nepal was able to halt and reverse the trends of tuberculosis
Due to spirit of reasoning, Renaissance and emphasis on human logic.
- Europe by the mid of 15th century was going major societal and literary transformation. The old decadent thoughts were questioned and emphasis was placed on reasoning and human logic.
This came to be known as the renaissance. Due to social transformation and spirit of enquiry, sailors (mostly from coastal countries such as Spain, Portugal, and later Italy) began venturing into deep seas to explore and discover a new world. Earlier the venture and discovery activity was mostly dominated by Arabs who have been in the sea since the 7th century AD.
These activities were supported by discoveries in art of navigation, production of world maps etc. As a result of these activities, Columbus on his venture to find the shortest route to Indies (currently island of Indonesia famous for species) landed into America thus discovering the whole continent of America.
- What followed the venture was several expeditions to a different part of the worlds.
- The transformation took place in the economic sphere and crude concept of factory originated when workers were made to work away from home at the predesignated site by the landlords. The wheel turned and turned and the whole of Europe in succession witnessed Industrial revolution at the same time the rest world experienced the scourge of colonialization.
- It was the absence of the Industrial revolution in the regions outside Europe that made them fall prey to colonial powers.
Ok you see a dam uses energy of the movement from the water, right? Then the dam uses that energy to control the flow of that water but that's not it the dam can also generate amount of electricity that is being produced. Its kinda hard to put in human words but id assume looking at this picture would basically explain everything..
You may use the INV100, Freedom of Information / Privacy Act Records Request for Background Investigations, form or submit a handwritten request. The INV100 is specific to DCSA (and its predecessor the National Background Investigation Bureau). Although use of this form is not mandatory, we encourage you to utilize it when making a request.
Entonces, se estaría tratando de la solución saturada, aquella que ha alcanzado la máxima concentración, es decir, todo el soluto que puede disolverse en una cantidad de solvente a una temperatura dada.