You can not see between opaque materials because light cannot pass through them.
1 and 3.
The entropy measures the randomness of the system, as higher is it, as higher is the entropy. The randomness is associated with the movement and the arrangement of the molecules. Thus, if the molecules are moving faster and are more disorganized, the randomness is greater.
So, the entropy (S) of the phases increases by:
S solid < S liquid < S gases.
1. The substance is going from solid to gas, thus the entropy is increasing.
2. The substance is going from a disorganized way (the molecules of I are disorganized) to an organized way (the molecules join together to form I2), thus the entropy is decreasing.
3. The molecules go from an organized way (the atom are joined together) to a disorganized way, thus the entropy increases.
4. The ions are disorganized and react to form a more organized molecule, thus the entropy decreases.
Potassium is more reactive than aluminium, so no reaction takes place. But aluminium is more reactive than copper, so it replaces the copper in copper nitrate
More reactive metal compound + less reactive metal
-> no reaction
Less reactive metal compound + more reactive metal
-> more reactive metal compound + less reactive metal
This is called substitution reaction where the more reactive metal replaces the less reactive metal in the compound.
<span>A </span>chemical formula<span> is a way of expressing information about the proportions of </span>atoms<span> that constitute a particular</span>chemical compound<span>, using a single line of </span>chemical element<span> symbols, numbers, and sometimes also other symbols, such as parentheses, dashes, brackets, commas and </span>plus<span> (+) and </span>minus<span> (−) signs. A chemical formula is not a </span>chemical name showing how the atoms are arranged.
Planets, black wholes gravity