I don't know if this is right but try it. The amount of water vapor in the air is called absolute humidity. The amount of water vapor in the air as compared with the amount of water that the air could hold is called relative humidity. This amount of space in air that can hold water changes depending on the temperature and pressure.
A substance that undergoes change during a reaction, usually from coming in contact with another substance
Everything you can hold, taste, or smell is made of matter. Matter makes up everything you can see, including clothes, water, food, plants, and animals. It even makes up some things you cannot see, such as air or the smell of perfume.
BaSO₄ is relatively harmless, but BaS is highly toxic.
BaSO₄ is quite insoluble (240 µg/100 mL). It is a <em>mild irritant</em> in cases of skin contact and inhalation. However, it is <em>safe enough</em> that health professionals ask patients to drink a suspension of BaSO₄. The Ba is opaque to X-rays, so it makes the stomach and intestines more visible to radiographers.
BaS is soluble (7.7 g/100 mL). It reacts slowly with water and more rapidly in the acid conditions of the stomach to <em>release H₂S</em>.
BaS + 2HCl ⟶ BaCl₂ + H₂S
An H₂S concentration of 60 mg/100 mL can be <em>fatal within 30 min</em>.
<em>Don’t eat barium sulfide!</em>
E.g. in H3PO4 (O, -2).
8. The sum of the oxidation states of all the atoms in a species must be equal to net charge on the species. e.g. Net Charge of HClO4 = 0, i.e. [+1(H)+7(Cl)-2<span>*4(O)] = 0.</span>