The test for this is fairly simple.
We take a glowing match or splint near the gas sample, if the glow intensifies, oxygen is present.
If a lit splint or match goes out with a popping sound, this means that hydrogen is present.
With the lack of these 3 factors you throw off your health triangle and your health is unbalanced. When you eat well you can get vitamins such as "E" and "C". These vitamins help build up immune cells that help build the immune system. When a person does not get enough sleep that person is more open to viruses and bacteria. Getting the recommended vaccines help you to fight off possible diseases or illnesses. They make you immune system stronger so you can be healthier.
The green and black symbols refer to atoms, that make up the molecule of water, more specifically you can say that the 2 Hydrogen atoms are the black ones found outside, while the central atom, that is also green would be oxygen.
so that way they can hide away from the predators
No, they do not. It is not true.