Some things the Romans did for fun were horrible. They enjoyed fights between gladiators, and fights between people and animals. These bloodthirsty shows were put on in front of crowds in large arenas called amphitheatres. Roman emperors paid for free shows at theatres and amphitheatres.
A slip deposit and a credit card deposit
You would want to turn on your headlights. When it is sunrise it could be foggy outside. So for cars in front or behind you to know you are there, you would need to have your lights on. after sunset, it is obvious as to why you need your headlights on. If you don't have them on, nobody can see you which will end in an accident (which will most likely be your fault.)
I hope this helped!
I am, yours most sincerely,
No I don't think that is fair. We spend to much money and our ancestors did not fight for us to vote and us young people don't vote!
hope this helps!!:)