good and bad
ethics differentiate vices and virtues
Sprain? Possible or dislocation but I'm thinking sprain
This is basically just because older adults are more mature and less impulsive whereas young people are more likely to go overboard with their alcohol consumption resulting in blackouts.
A. It would increase lymph volume.
[According to Starling's Law
if the transcapillary oncotic pressure is lesser than the hydrostatic pressure difference, then fluid will leave from the capillary (as it happens at arterial end).
if the transcapillary oncotic pressure is greater than the hydrostatic pressure difference, then fluid will return into the capillary (as happens at venous end).
Serum albumin is a very important factor that defines oncotic pressure in capillaries and maintains the level of fluid in the capillaries. Hypoalbuminemia results in decreased oncotic pressure which will facilitate movement of fluids from the capillaries to the interstitial space, hence resulting to a condition known as edema.]