If you are just looking for any number between you can go from 144.810 to 145.154 and you can get even more number if you add a zero to both number because there are lots more between 145.1550 and 144.8090
However, if you are looking for the number that is equidistant between them - the number in the middle, simply add them together and find the average which will be the number in the middle.
(145.155 +144.809)÷ 2 = 144.982
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Because it always get pushed around!
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if x is equal to - 1
2x² + 5x + 6
= 2* ( -1)² + 5 * (- 1) + 6
= 2 - 5 + 6
= 8 - 5
= 3
Hope it will help :)❤
for a. you first shade the intersectoin between a and b the shade the intersectio
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