If you divide decimals you have to bring up the decimal point but if you divide whole numbers you dont have any decimal points so you just divide the numbers. Sorry if i didnt help i just wanted to help.
3/4> 3/5 is true and correct
Option b) Sample
Step-by-step explanation:
We are given the following in the question:
356 surveys on television-viewing habits of American adolescents.
Average of 3.1 hours per day.
Population and sample:
- Population is a collection of all the possible observation of individuals or variable of interest.
- A sample is always a part of the population.
- It is a subset of population.
For the given survey, those who responded to the survey forms a a sample as it is a part of 356 surveys that is a subset of population.
The correct answer is
Option b) Sample
5.3 and 5.30 are equivalent to 5.300