To divide 54,164 by 44, we start from the first digit.
First we take the first 2 digits: i.e. 54 divided by 44, which gives 1 remainder 10.
Next, we join the next digit to the remainder and divide again by 44: i.e. 101 divided by 44, which gives 2 remainder 13.
Next, we join the next digit to the remainder and divide again by 44: i.e. 136 divided by 44, which gives 3 remainder 4.
Next, we join the next digit to the remainder and divide again by 44: i.e. 44 divided by 44, which gives 1.
We now joining all the results from our algorithm, to get that 54,164 divided by 44 is 1,231.
4+2 = 6 a a a a + a a = a a a a a a
2+4 = 6 a a + a a a a= a a a a a a
Tommy is correct They are both equal to 6
hi im going to work on this i wiil comment answer in a minute
Step-by-step explanation:
37 is prime so it is reduced to its lowest form.
33/44 simplifies to 3/4