Reliability. When a scientist repeats an experiment with a different group of people or a different batch of the same chemicals and gets very similar results then those results are said to be reliable. Reliability is measured by a percentage – if you get exactly the same results every time then they are 100% reliable.
Sorry, I only got one way.
The change is that the water will freeze to 0 or minus I don’t know as I’m not to sure
Ionic compounds contain ions and are held together by the attractive forces among the oppositely charged ions
Common salt (sodium chloride) is one of the best-known ionic compounds. Molecular compounds contain discrete molecules, which are held together by sharing electrons (covalent bonding).
I would say the energy has to be decreased by 87 kj because the bonding is held together by 87 kj so removing that should prevent the bonding from taking place or reverse it I believe. In other words, a certain amount of energy is required to hold the bond together and in the absence of that energy, the bonding will not take place.