Citrate Synthase facilitates the formation of citrate by deprotonating Acetyl CoA and by protonating the carbonyl oxygen of oxaloacetate
Citrate synthase is a key enzyme in the citric acid cycle that functions to catalyze the formation of citrate from oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA: acetyl-CoA + oxaloacetate + H2O >> citrate + CoA-SH (Coenzyme A ). This enzyme contains three amino acids at its active site that work together to catalyze the conversion of acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate into citrate. This active site acts by abstracting (deprotonating) a proton from the alpha carbon of Acetyl CoA which serves as the nucleophile. Subsequently, the active site of the enzyme also protonates the carbonyl oxygen of oxaloacetate, which then suffers nucleophilic attack and thereby facilitating nucleophilic substitution reaction.
In most animals, the <u>diploid</u> state of the life cycle is much larger than the <u>haploid</u> state.
The multicellular diploid stage is the most evident life stage in a diploid-dominant life cycle, and the only haploid cells are the gametes. Most animals, including humans, have this kind of life cycle. It is much larger than the haploid life cycle because of the complexity due to diploid stages.
The multicellular (or occasionally unicellular) haploid stage is the most visible life stage and is frequently multicellular in a haploid-dominant life cycle. The only diploid cell in this kind of life cycle is the single-celled zygote. This kind of life cycle is found in some algae and fungi.
Meiosis, which produces haploid cells from diploid ones in all sexually reproducing species, and fertilisation are two examples of fundamental life cycle characteristics that all sexually reproducing species share (the fusion of haploid gametes to form a diploid cell called the zygote).
To know more about meiosis, refer to the following link: