Two conversion factors:

You can create two possible <em>conversion factors</em>, one to convert from mL to L, and one to convert from L to mL
<u />
<u>a) From mL to L</u>
To convert mL to L you need to multiply by a conversion factor that has mL on the denominator and L in the numerator.
Your starting point is: 
Then, divide both sides by 1,000mL (this will be on the denominator of the fraction);

<u>b) From L to mL</u>
Divide both sides by 1 L:

is the equation of state of a hypothetical ideal gas
its formula is PV=nRT
A marble has more density than an inflated balloon.
1.84 L
Using the equation for reversible work:

W is the work done (J) = -287 J.
Since the gas did work, therefore W is negative.
P is the pressure in atm = 1.90 atm.
However, work done is in joules and pressure is in atm. We can use the values of universal gas constant as a convenient conversion unit. R = 8.314 J/(mol*K); R = 0.0821 (L*atm)/(mol*K)
Therefore, the conversion unit is 0.0821/8.314 = 0.00987 (L*atm)/J
is the initial volume = 0.350 L
is the final volume = ?
(-287 J)*0.00987 (L*atm)/J = -1.9 atm*(
- 0.350) L
= [(287*0.00987)+(1.9*0.350)]/1.9 = (2.833+0.665)/1.9 =1.84 L