Voting registration is a fundamental right to any democracy. It is the unshakable principle that everyone should have an equal vote. However the constitution does not feature prominently the rules governing voting. Voting and voting registration rules are therefore defined by state laws and local administrative practices.
In recent years some states have made voting easier for instance three states now hold their elections almost entirely by mail and 30 states plus Washington DC now lets you register to vote online which is favored by those who abolish registration requirements.
There are also those states that feel that we should have stronger registration requirements. We must also consider the Supreme Court's decision to weaken the Voting Rights Acts since 2011. So far 13 have added requirements the voters show some kind of ID at the polls.
The argument for strict voting registration and voting procedures claim that they are just simple common-sense measures. The legislators who helped pass these laws say that they are necessary to prevent fraud. It makes sense that the very freedom of our nation is based on the integrity of our ballot box.
The argument against is that strict registration becomes an obstacle to voting. As mentioned earlier voting is the cornerstone of democracy and a citizen’s right. And for the people who don't have an ID it may seem like their right is being violated. There are instances where someone’s license was taken away or there are those who simply lost it before elections.
In conclusion, it is the responsibility of each state and legislators to take these factors into consideration when deciding on voting registration.
I think it is the option 2 - warm and wet growing seasons because tobacco and cotton were the biggest exports. <span />
The _Food and Drug Administration (FDA)_ is in charge offood safety, meat and plant production for human consumption, and developing and exploring new technologies in farming and ranching.
Americans were looking forward for a new federal government. They were also very excited to make new laws and build a nation. There was also freedom from religion which is the Anglican Church that contributes to their oppression. Anti-slavery and gender equality groups made the revolution their inspiration.
Answer:Some individuals may be natural good at maths or may be just smart kids who are good with mathematics
Explanation:Some students may be intelligent or good at maths which means the shoe size will not be the cause of their quantification skills.
A confounding variable refers to another variable that you may have not take notice of but which is very likely to act on the variable you are trying to measure and make that change you are looking for , its an extra variable. It can mess up your experiment and give you result that are not caused by what your projected. They can assume a correlation that doesn't exist and insert bias in your study. For this reason you have to know these variable before you start your research or study in order to avoid them.