With the increased attention, Marty is positively reinforcing the aggression of Ben.
As Ben is deprived of the attention Marty needs to give, the time Ben gets is just the result of his aggressive behavior which in itself is a kind of reinforcement for Ben to increase in his aggressiveness in order to get more of Marty’s time.
Interrupted time series
In simple words, Interrupted time series evaluation can be understood as a statistical technique for assessing the results of an intervention that involves monitoring a long-term time frame before as well as after the intervention. The interference is the interference, which would be a regulated external effect or collection of effects, whereas the time series refers to the information over term.
Thus, from the above we can conclude that the given case illustrates interrupted time series design.
Do you really think that someone is actually going to rewrite that?
Crystallized intelligence
The psychologist Raymond Cattell was the first to propose the concepts of the types of intelligence in the sixties. <em>Crystallized intelligence </em>is the set of skills, strategies, and knowledge that constitute the degree of cognitive development achieved through a person's learning history. The potential for intellectual development with which we are born (also called historical fluid intelligence) will achieve a greater or lesser level depending on the educational experiences that occur during life.