Table 3
A linear graph is one where there is a steady change in the value on the y-axis with a steady change in the value on the x-axis. The first table will produce a positive sloped straight line that has an increase of 5 in the value of distance with each increment in the time value.
Table 2 will produce a graph where there is a decrease of 2 in the value of distance with an increase in the value of time.
Table 4 will produce a graph where the line is horizontal; the y-value does not change with time.
Table 3 has a graph which has to move up and down to accommodate the decreasing and increasing values, so it will be non-linear.
The membrane also plays a vital function in preventing things from getting in or leaving the cell, and the second major function is that it is a factor in cell communication and cell recognition.
A characteristic of carbon is that it is highly reactive and can form unstable bonds with any available atom.
In the start of the light cycle, light-dependent reactions harness energy from the sun in order to create chemical bonds. These bonds are known as ATP and NADPH. These are the molecules that carry energy which are made in the stroma. The stroma is where the Calvin cycle takes place.
Think of it like this. Horses do a LOT of galloping, which is hard on the feet! Hooves are a physical ADAPTATION, so that the horses won't experience pain on their journeys. They're hard, so that the horses don't feel the ground nearly as much. Now, mountain goats travel over rough terrain, with sharp rocks and steep inclines. Again, it's really easy for them to get hurt strutting around the mountains, so they evolved hard hooves to protect their feet.