All funds carry some level of risk. With mutual funds, you may lose some or all of the money you invest because the securities held by a fund can go down in value. Dividends or interest payments may also change as market conditions change.High-risk mutual funds refer to funds that have excellent potential and the ability to provide high returns. However, these funds are very volatile in nature and come with high risks.These high-risk mutual funds typically provide great dividends to an investor.Low risk Mutual Funds are an ideal financial vessel to preserve capital and increase income through timely liquid investments. It can be used as an alternative source of income. Prospective investors can also invest in these types of funds to gain confidence while investing.
Answer: I do not understand this question. Can you please elaborate on this?
Answer: Honourable Farouk Lawan. National Assembly Nigeria
Explanation: Rights are not absolute because they can change over time. In the United States Rights that come closest to being absolute are contained in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was intended to afford the citizens of this country Rights that could not be changed by government without the direct consent of the people.
The rule o flaw protects individual rights but also limits individual rights by allowing the government to pass laws to limit conduct.