The correct answer would be, Education.
In the United States, Education is the social institution that plays the greatest role in promoting marriages within the same social class.
When a group of people come together for a common purpose or goal, this is called as Social Institution. The behaviors and expectations of the individuals are governed by these institutions. Family, Religion, Government, Education and Economy are five main Social Institutions.
Social class is the division of people on the basis of factors like Income, occupation, etc.
Social institution in the United States which plays greatest role in promoting marriages within the same social class is Education. Educated people emphasize on marrying people of the same social class, so that there will be no problem in adjusting with each other.
Learn more about Social Institution at:
According to psychology experts such as Dr. John Dovidio, this is a form of unconscious racism. One may not discriminate in a situation where right and wrong are clearly stated but due to inner bias would discriminate in situations where there are no clear cut rules.
From the question let us get some points out. Harry Bahrick a notable Psychologist compared high school or college students that just completed a Spanish course and those that are out of school for 3 years. Those that are out of school for 3 years tend to forget what they had learned due to information loss in storage. But, the the thing is that apart from the Spanish course,they still remember things from that 3 years for 25 years or more.
Yes, this is true.
If it's like a dictatorship, it's referred to as "absolute monarchy". Example today: Swaziland
If it's a part of democracy, it's a constitutional or parliamentary monarchy. Example: UK