A vacuum is usually defined as a space in which there is an absence of matter. It can also be said that there is an extremely low amount of pressure due to which the particles present in it are not affected by any type of process that occurs in space. The value of pressure is lower than the value of normal atmospheric pressure.
For example, sound cannot travel in space because there is no medium such as water and air through which the sound waves can propagate.
Both parents are heterozygous carriers.
Both parents are heterozygous carriers. Sickle Cell Anaemia is usually referred to as a recessive condition since an individual must have two copies of the sickle gene in order to have the disorder.
Since neither of the parents is ill, both of them must be heterozygous carriers for the child to have the disorder
Lack of gravity causes you to use less work to move your muscles.
If on Earth your arm weighs 3 pounds, the muscle will only have to move 3 pounds of force. For example, if you were to go on the moon, your arm would have the same mass but there would be less gravity pulling it dow. So now your muscles only need to pull 1 pound. Over extended periods, you would be working less, thus not using your muscles to fullest potential and in result you would get weaker.
Answer: Each indivdual has there own genes so the each will have different traits.