If you are convicted of a dui for a second time in five years, your license may be revoked for up to (2) years
Answer: they are connected in series.
The grinding machine is used for roughing and finishing flat, cylindrical, and conical surfaces; finishing internal cylinders or bores; forming and sharpening cutting tools; snagging or removing rough projections from castings and stampings; and cleaning, polishing, and buffing surfaces.
Answer: The correct answer is : Fault block mountain with rough edges and steep cliffs
Explanation: Snowy saws are an example of a mountain chain blocked by faults. The snowy mountains were formed because the tectonic movement forced some segments of the earth's crust up into irregular pieces and others down.
Answer: a)True
Explanation: Takt time is defined as the average time difference between the production of the two consecutive unit of goods by the manufacturer and this rate is matched with the demand of the customer. This is the time which is calculated to find the acceptable time for which the goods unit must be produced by the factory to meet the needs of the customer. Therefore , the statement is true that takt time is the rate at which a factory must produce to satisfy the customer's demand.