Explained below
1) Liquid in glass thermometer: This type of thermometer is used primarily to measure the temperatures from inspection of changes in volume of liquid.
Thermometry substance is mercury or alcohol
2) Gas thermometer: This type is used to measure temperature as a result of changes in gas pressure or volume.
Thermometry substance is Gas.
3) Resistance thermometer: This type is used to measure temperature due to changes in electric resistance.
Thermometry substance is Resistance wire.
4) Thermocouple thermometer: This type is used to measure the temperature due to changes in electrical potential difference occurring between two metal junctions.
Thermometry substance is two wires that are dissimilar.
5) Bimetallic thermometer: This is a type of thermometer that measures temperature by converting temperature into mechanical displacement by making use of Bimetallic strip.
Thermometry substance is two metals that are dissimilar.
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'N' is labelled 'runoff'. That's when the water is down. Streets are wet, worms come out of the ground, and water flows down the street to the sewer.
A fire because you feed it wood, it lives longer but if you give it a drink, water, then it dies.
I think its 12 cm itself. Because in the question it is said that the length is same in all temperature