TCP is a connection-oriented protocol
UDP does not acknowledge a receipt of data
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a protocol to transfer data, this is one of the most important protocols on the entire internet, this method was implemented from the beginning of the network.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) this is a protocol faster than TCP because this method doesn't establish a connection to sent data, in this case, always sent data, but TCP is more secure than UDP, and for that UDP is used to transfer music or videos, and TCP websites and database.
UDP doesn't need acknowledgment is done by UDP, is only concerned with speed.
The following is written in Java. It creates the function num_eights and uses recursion to check how many times the digit 8 appears in the number passed as an argument. A test case has been created in the main method and the output can be seen in the image below highlighted in red.
public static int num_eights(int pos){
if (pos == 0)
return 0;
if (pos % 10 == 8)
return 1 + num_eights(pos / 10);
return num_eights(pos / 10);
Text boxes and related tools
select style_name, as brewery,count(beer_id) as Num
from beerdb.beers be
inner join beerdb.styles st
on be.style_id = st.style_id
join beerdb.breweries br on
be.brewery_id = br.brewery_id
group by style_name ,
having count(beer_id)>=10
order by style_name, num desc
A firewall is simply a network security system whose main duty is. to prevent unwanted access to. private network.
Firewalls is measures to protect your computer against threats from human actions.
It is also the one singular thing that prevents you from accessing the file on your friends system.