Because it simulates a word-of-mouth recommendation. In addition, a word of mouth promotion is important for every business as each contented customer can ox dozens of new ones your way. The word of mouth is the transient of information from an individual to individual by the oral message which could be as simple as influence somebody the period of a day.
They could use it for emergencies.
If needed, they could call 911 and for help! it could be a big difference if kids did not have phones at school.
Waterwheel, Ḥamāh, Syria, similar to those long used for irrigation in the Tigris-Euphrates region. In Iraq most of those crops depend on irrigation, which can be applied in three ways: by flow from rivers and canals through small channels, by lifting with wheels or pumps into channels, and by direct inundation.
Drought is a major driver of impacts to grassland and prairie ecosystems, and is likely to lead to increased wildfires and loss of wetland habitats – such as prairie potholes that are critical habitat for migratory bird species – as well as species migration and habitat shifts