Most igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks contain rubidium (Rb) and strontium (Sr) in detectable amounts. However, the concentrations of these elements are almost always less than 1 percent, and they are therefore rarely determined in routine chemical analyses. Neither rubidium nor strontium is a major constituent in the common rock-forming silicate minerals, although strontium does form a carbonate (strontianite) and a sulfate (celestite) which are found in some hydrothermal deposits and certain sedimentary rocks, particularly carbonates.
As acid rain is a mixture of pollutants and gasses. As rusting is a chemical reaction between oxygen and other gasses in the air alongside a material and a liquid. I would say they are both similar and that acid rain would speed the process of rusting/aid the process.
Everything will be the same except that the atoms will be together nothing changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Nerves send signals to your brain from your spinal cord. If something is burning your nerves will send a pain signal from the area of the burn to your brain through you spinal cord. Then your brain sends a signal back to the nerves that there is pain and you should avoid it. Same with internal nerves and same with touch.
Answer:lanthanides is the answer and here is a picture for proof