Convert 7/11 to a decimal value.
7 divided by 11 = 0.636364
Subtract 0.636364 to 0.757576 and divide the difference
by 2.
Following the equation, 0.636364 - 0.757576 =
<span>0.121212 divided by 2, the quotient is 0.06 (06
is repeating) </span>
Bottom = 2x5 = 10ft
Middle = 2x6 ( 4+2) = 12
Top 4x2= 8
10ft+12ft+8ft= 30ft squared
they are supplementary angles
Answer : the x-intercept is -4
The probability that Mr. Hanson will pick a lemon is d. 3/4.
3 + 1 = 4. The 3 lemons make up 3/4 of the fruit, so he has a 3/4 chance, or 75% chance of picking a lemon.
Hope I could help! Let me know if there is anything else you need!
p.s. Brainliest? I am trying to get to higher ranks and it would really help :)