Gravity is a force that can make things go down hill.
Nerve cells release chemical signals into synapses between them (short distance). They also transverse their lengths with an electrical signal that can result in signal travel along a series of cells (long distance).
Nerve cells release neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft which are capable of affecting nearby cells such as other nerve cells and muscle cells. Neurotransmitter molecules include, among others, serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine and histamine. Moreover, the synaptic cleft is the space that separates a neuron cell and its target cell. On the other hand, neurons transmit signals through electrical impulses. Electrical impulses travel long distances in the body carried by axons of the nerves. Thus, nerve impulses connect the brain and spinal cord and they carry signals to different parts of the body.
Shelter and settlement forms in hot humid, hot dry and cold climatic zones have been described. Performance efficiency of passive climate control systems of vernacular buildings have been analysed and their relevance to contemporary design and planning of housing and new towns in selected regions are examined. A comment is also made on the role of climate in the interaction between settlements and their hinterland.
have curved protofilaments at their plus ends
Microtubules are polymers of tubulin proteins that function as the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. Microtubules are dynamic structures that can grow and shrink at a rapid rate. During this process, tubulin subunits can associate and dissociate at the plus end of the protofilament. Tubulin subunits bind to two GTP molecules, one of which is hydrolyzed to GDP after assembly. When microtubules are unstable, protofilaments curl outwards because GDP-bound tubulin has a weak affinity (thereby curving it) and disassemble. The dynamic stability of microtubules is regulated by a feedback loop: when microtubules shrink, free tubulin concentration increases and microtubules start to grow. As microtubules grow, free tubulin concentration decreases and the rate of GTP-tubulin addition also decreases.