You can detect salt in water without tasting by measuring the density of the water. Place a glass of spring water and a glass of the suspected salt water on a balance scale and the heavier one contains salt. Other ways to test for salt in water is to put a drop of water on the end of a nail and place in a gas flame. If the water contains salt, the flame will turn a yellow/orange color.
water has a high specific heat
this should work as an answer
C. Unbalanced describes the forces acting on the car
It is often a sign of kidney problems. :)
I2; I–I bond length = 266 pm
Bond length is inversely related to bond strength. The longer the bond length, the weaker the bond. The shorter the bond length the stronger the bond. A large bond distance implies that there is poor interaction between the atoms involved in the bond. A long bond distance or bond length may even indicate the absence of covalent interaction between the atoms involved.