Steam boats, rail roads and telegram made communication and work easy and faster.
Monks were generally more solitary and disconnected from the Laypeople they lived in a self sufficient community and were generally tied to that area, whereas Friars works closely with the laypeople relied on them more heavily f and were also allowed to travel around a wider area than the monks.
Answer: Carter lost popularity over the Iranian crisis because many Americans felt his response to the crisis was slow and indecisive. Many felt he did not harness the power of the US to effectively address the crisis
Explanation: Carter's response to the crisis led to his defeat in 1980 by Ronald Reagan.
-Arrival of the shabby stranger
-Maxwell's challenge to first church
-Norman applies to challenge the newspaper
-Norman faces public reaction to the challenge
-Maxwells' speech to the working man
-The crisis of Powers' decision about the law violation
-Rachel and Virginia struggle with how Christ would act in their cases
-Rachel dedicates her voice to the Lord
-Dedication of Maxwell to the ministry in the Rectangle
-Resignation of Powers
-Dedication of Wright and Marsh to political involvement in the rectangle problems.