I believe this is the Biceps femoris
The 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami gave us a vivid description of menace of major tsunamis. It also suggested that tsunami science and engineering were inevitable to save human society, industries, and natural environment.
An answer can be found in Japan. Japan is the country the most frequently hit by tsunamis in the world. The experiences are well documented and are continued as the local legends. In 1896, the tsunami science started when the Meiji Great Sanriku Tsunami claimed 22,000 lives. An idea of comprehensive countermeasures was officially introduced after the 1933 Showa Great Sanriku Tsunami. The major works taken after this tsunami, however, were the relocation of dwelling houses to high ground and tsunami forecasting that started in 1941. The 1960 Chilean Tsunami opened the way to the tsunami engineering by elaborating coastal structures for tsunami defense. The 1983 Japan Sea Earthquake Tsunami that occurred during a fine daytime cleared the veil of actual tsunamis. The 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki Earthquake Tsunami led to the practical comprehensive tsunami disaster prevention used at present, in which three components, defense structures, tsunami-resistant town development and evacuation based on warning are combined.
The present paper briefs the history of tsunami research in Japan that supports countermeasures.
The data has to be verifiable by the scientific community.
C. Because an RNA-seq reaction could tell if the fragments were encoded by the genome.
The combination of single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and bioinformatic tools to assemble and annotate sequence reads is currently the most common methodology used to obtain complete transcriptomes from individual cells. RNA-seq is a Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology that enables the analysis of the entire transcriptome, thereby this method can be used to examine gene, allelic and ncRNA expression. In the last years, RNA-seq has become the gold standard technique for direct analysis of ncRNA expression profiles in biological samples and clinical research.