The matter from the explosion can reach him, hitting him. He should be able to feel that.
When you talk about Hooke's law, it always have to do something with springs. Hooke's Law, from Robert Hooke, saw a relation between the force applied to the spring and the extension of its length. The equation is: F = kx, where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement of the original and stretched lengths. In other words, x is the length of deformation. Hence, the object must be elastic to come up with a displacement or deformation, in the first place. Then, the Hooke's Law is only applicable to elastic materials.
here try this! i hope this helps
There are many advantages when we compare strength training with other forms of training. For example, the biggest benefit would be the increase of muscle mass due to us using the muscle more and for harder movements than usual. Strength training can preserve the mass that we lose with age. Bones also get stronger when we train so they are harder to fracture. We get more joint flexibility from the movements we do. So things as arthritis can be avoided or at least feel better.
A magnetic field is a force field, invisibly pushing electrically charged objects just as a gravitational field pulls objects with mass. Whereas all objects with mass exert a gravitational field, however, not all objects have a magnetic field. Magnetic fields are created by electrical charges. Thanks to their structure at the atomic level, some substances -- like the iron in magnets -- have a permanent magnetic field.