Compound are formed by two or more elements chemically combined. For example: H^2O is the water formula, this is a compound because you two elements which are Hydrogen and Oxygen and together they form a compound. The (^2) is the amount of atoms the formula has, in this case Hydrogen has two atoms and Oxygen is neutral.
Depending in the category of the Hurricane, you make experience different levels of wind power and destruction. Hurricanes only have 5 categories ranking from Category 1 to Category 5. The smallest category is category 1 making category 5 the largest. The bigger the category, the more wind or destruction you'll experience.
there are 4 atoms in aluminum chloride
Both cohesion and molecular interchange contribute to liquid viscosity. The impact of increasing the temperature of a liquid is to reduce the cohesive forces while simultaneously increasing the rate of molecular interchange. The former effect causes a decrease in the shear stress while the latter causes it to increase.
The viscosity of liquids decreases rapidly with an increase in temperature, and the viscosity of gases increases with an increase in temperature. Thus, upon heating, liquids flow more easily, whereas gases flow more sluggishly.
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Nitrogen will called as atom or molecule or ion too in the state which it exist means in which form it is present .