From the point of vies of this place (i.e. for the people who stayed in the place) this is called emigration: when people leave the country, it's called a mass emigration.
From the point of view of the place where this person settles down, this is called immigration and this person is an immigrant
7 continents
coastline length is 84297 miles
Literary sources are the information sources reviewed to create a report or a writing assignment. Sources include information in print, electronic and visual formats such as books.
b. disorganized speech is the correct answer.
disorganized speech occurs because of abnormal thought that affects thought, thinking, and language.
Signs of disorganized speech are:
- repeating the same things, words, statements again and again.
- people have difficulty in concentrating.
- people use rhyming words without any meaning.
disorganized Schizophrenia is a mental disorder and a serious condition that includes illogical behavior,disturbance in emotional expression and disorganized thoughts.