De los reptiles, anfibios; pájaros, peces; mamíferos y artrópodos, los que más se asemejan en características son los pájaros y los mamíferos porque ambos son de sangre caliente y no varia independientemente de en qué ambiente se encuentre
in a room with no windows that way it doesnt shatter. Usually a closet... or if you have a basement.sorry but that applies to all them
In order to create a charged object you need to transfer electrons either away or to the object by induction, conduction, or friction
Induction is without contact(like bringing a charged object to a electroscope charges the leaves at the bottom)
Conduction is with contact(like the previous answer, wore touching transfers the charge from a source to the object)
Friction(rubbing a balloon on wool)
14 because the horses name is friday and sprite cranberry is coming out with a new jersey
The kinetic energy depends on several things like how cute I am