Archimedes' principle states that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces. Archimedes' principle is a law of physics fundamental to fluid mechanics.
1. H2O- The water completely dissolved the salt.
Alcohol- The alcohol dissolved the salt slightly.
Glycerin-The salt has not dissolved at all.
2. Water
3. Like dissolve like basically works on the principle of polarity. It means the substances which possess similar chemical properties may dissolve in each other. For example, ethanol can be dissolved in water because both are polar in nature whereas non-polar molecules can be dissolved in non-polar solvents only.
4. Generally, a solute dissolves faster in a warmer solvent than it does in a cooler solvent because particles have more energy of movement. For example, if you add the same amount of sugar to a cup of hot tea and a cup of iced tea, the sugar will dissolve faster in the hot tea.
Learn more about The choice of solvent
Walking’ - If a handball player takes more than three steps without dribbling (bouncing the ball) or holds the ball for more than 3 seconds without bouncing it, shooting or passing, then that is deemed ‘walking' and possession is lost.
'Double dribble’ - Handball players cannot receive the ball and bounce it, then hold the ball, and bounce it again. This is termed ‘double dribble’ and is against the rules.