An upper house is one of two chambers of a bicameral legislature. The other chamber is called the lower house.
Upper Houses in the world:
- India: the Rajya Sabha
- Pakistan: the Senate of Pakistan
- United Kingdom: the House of Lords
- United States of America: the United States Senate
Speaker of House
President - Donald Trump
Vice President - Mike Pence
Speaker of the House of Representatives - Nancy Pelosi
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Explanation: what is group activites
(C) Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
In 1965, a case between three teenagers who wore black armbands to school in protest of the Vietnam war and were subsequently suspended for failing to remove the armbands and Des Moines Independent Community School District appeared before the Supreme Court. In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court explained that all form of speech, both symbolic speech such as the protest with armbands are protected under the the first amendment right of freedom of speech and expression. The court concluded that freedom of speech includes as form of symbolic speech.