The device that acts like a wireless base station in a network would be an access point. It acts as a bridge between the wireless and wired networks. It receives and transmits signal between networks. It connects every user in that network.
- def average_num_in_file(fileName):
- with open(fileName) as file:
- rows = file.readlines()
- sum = 0
- count = 0
- for x in rows:
- sum += float(x)
- count += 1
- average = sum / count
- return average
- print(average_num_in_file("cans.txt"))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Firstly create a function that take one parameter, fileName (Line 1).
Open the file stream and use readlines method to read the data from the file (Line 2-3). Create variable sum and count to tract the total of the number from text files and number of data from the file (Line 5-6). Use a for loop to loop over each row of the read data and add the current value of each row to sum and increment the count by one (Line 7-9).
After the loop, calculate the average (Line 11) and return the result (Line 12).
At last, we can test the function by passing the cans.txt as argument (Line 14).
1.Mouse input
2.keyboard input
3.monitor output
4.speakers output
5.printer output, and input if it has a scanner
6.microphone input
Network layer is third layer of seven layers in the network technology. In network layer and physical data transmission been made through Ethernet or wireless, which Is connected to router and connect to other workstation or desktop or laptop.
On network layer connection is established, on success connection next layer is transport layer it is fourth layer of server layers.
Following error detection can be occurred
1. Accessing folder
2. Sometime immediate conflict on tcpip address
3. Sometime subnet mask different
4. Host different
5. Ping to workstation on tablet or laptops some dropping the packets
Transport layer always successful as end to end communication.
It should be Do While or repeat until and Do until is wrong