All elements on both sides of the equation have the same amount of moles
the wavelength of radiation emitted is 
The energy of the Bohr's hydrogen atom can be expressed with the formula:

For n = 7:

For n = 4

The electron goes from the n = 7 to the n = 4, then :

Wavelength of the radiation emitted:

hc = 1242 eV.nm

The hardest material is diamond. The hardest artificial substance would wurtzite boron nitride. That's basically just man-made diamonds.
Polar covalent bond
On the basis of electronegativity bond could be ionic bond, polar and non pole covalent bond.
Ionic bond:
It is the bond which is formed by the transfer of electron from one atom to the atom of another element.
Both bonded atoms have very large electronegativity difference. The atom with large electronegativity value accept the electron from other with smaller value of electronegativity. The electronegativity difference between bonded atoms is greater than 1.7.
For example:
Sodium chloride is ionic compound. The electronegativity of chlorine is 3.16 and for sodium is 0.93. There is large difference is present. That's why electron from sodium is transfer to the chlorine. Sodium becomes positive and chlorine becomes negative ion. Both atoms are bonded together electrostatic attraction occur between anion and cations.
Covalent bond:
It is formed by the sharing of electron pair between bonded atoms.
The atom with larger electronegativity attract the electron pair more towards it self and becomes partial negative while the other atom becomes partial positive. There are two type of covalent bond. Polar and non polar covalent bond. When electronegativity difference is 0.4 - 1.7 bond is polar covalent bond when it is less than 0.4 the bond is non polar covalent.
For example:
In CO the electronegativity of oxygen is 3.5 and carbon is 2.5. That's why electron pair attracted more towards oxygen, thus oxygen becomes partial negative and carbon becomes partial positive. and bond is polar covalent.
Chlorine has one valence electron
Hence one chlorine atom reacts with 2 atoms of lithium
And also reacts with 3 atoms of boron