You ask them if they are heading home, or can offer a ride home to their residential stay and remind them that it is past curfew for anyone under 18. This is a great way to handle the case because you come off as caring and not aggressive, this impacts the case because the teenagers will think of you as a "cool/chill" police officer that they can be truthful/honest with. This affects the future of the youth in the park that they can have a verbal conversation before anything leads to them getting something on their permanent record. This would most likely make them more cooperative.
I used to be in Police explorers for 3 years so I learned a few things on communications
Jana nikikupigia lakini uliniletea kulichoanguka
sio mambo ya darasa la kwanza ayo
Answer:social norms affect our health because we look at what other people’s bodies appear as and we usually strive to have the “ideal body type” and fit in with the rest of the people.
Health is influenced by our friends and family because if they’re always going out to eat that usually means that we are too. Sometimes with friends we might all go to the gym together and work out. If your community is healthy, then you most likely will be as well.
22: 90
23: 13
24: (too blurry for me to read, I am so sorry!)
25: 3
26: (too blurry for me to read, I am so sorry!)
27: 3
28: 30
Not much explanation, just knowing how to read labels and where to look!
Hope this helps, have a nice day! :D