c. The abnormality is in the thyroid gland itself.
Primary hypothyroidism arises from a pathology in the thyroid gland itself and occurs when the thyroid gland is not able to perform one of its many physiology. Secondary hypothyroidism starts at the level of the pituitary gland and results from under secretion of TSH. TSH is needed to trigger the release of the T3 and T4 stored in the thyroid gland. Tertiary hypothyroidism is caused by a decrease level of the TRH from the hypothalamus. This reduced level, in turn, reduces TSH and thyroid hormone levels in the blood, hence in the body and the patient suffer the symptoms.
Answer: Decrease in blood pressure
If there is increase in atrial vessel diameter then, the blood pressure is conversely decreases. Peripheral resistance and increase in blood volume diameter are responsible for higher the blood pressure. The peripheral resistance are responsible for blood flow in the arteries.
There are three sources of the peripheral resistance are:
- Total length of vessel
- Blood viscosity
- Diameter of blood vessel
Answer: A vaccine works by flowing in your blood and getting rid of the toxic or bad germs in your body.
La tráquea (del griego τραχυς trakhys; "áspero, rugoso") es un órgano del aparato respiratorio de carácter cartilaginoso y membranoso que va desde la laringe a los bronquios. Su función es brindar una vía abierta al aire inhalado y exhalado.
Chicken salad, refried beans, and guacamole